Concept and History of MotherCenters and MINE

How and why were Mother Centers created?


How and why were Mother Centers created? Who started them? Where did they first appear? What needs did they address? What benefits did they provide to mothers? How many Mother Centers are there in the world today? You can find the answers here.

History of Mother Centers

Mother Centers have their roots in Europe, particularly in Germany and the Netherlands, where the first Mother Centers were established in the 1970s. The concept was initially developed as a response to the challenges faced by mothers in balancing their...

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The Future of Mother Centers

Since the concept and the basic idea of ​​the mothers' centers have demonstrably lost none of their topicality in the last 30 years, it is probably mainly the term "mothers' center" that no longer seems to be up to date. Mothers' centers and open houses for young and...

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GWIAGrassroots Women International Academy

The first Grassroots Women’s International Academies (GWIA) were conducted as part of the Expo 2000 in Germany. The following grassroots groups and partner organisations piloted the initial series of six week-long GWIA’s held at the Mother Center Salzgitter-Bad, an...

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Mother Centers Around the World, MINE history

Mother Centers represent one of the most amazing grassroots women’s movements spear headed by women at the community level. Originating in Germany they have spread over the past decade across the world. Mother Center initiatives are found in Albania, Argentina,...

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Emergence of the concept

The concept of "mothers' center" emerged in the 1980s with the aim of improving the life situation of mothers (who were primarily responsible for raising children). The mothers' center should restore the public sphere for women outside of the professional sphere,...

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Mother Centers bring women and families into center stage and support them in building their confidence and ability to help themselves and each other. They re-integrate the culture of care into public life. Mother Centers have an impact on many levels: influence the...

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Mother Centers Around The World – MINE

Mother Centers – Creating Caring Communities

Mother Centers History in Germany
 (Monica Jaeckel)

The MINE Program

Spreading like Wildfire: The Development of…

The MINE Best Practice proposal

International Response to a Historic Need

The Report.. : How do we want to raise our children?

The Platform of Action

 2007 Edition of the mine newsletter

Article for the UN Habitat Newsletter

Article by ITDG summarises the Mother Center…

Interview with Monika Jaeckel for AWID

Mother Centers as a social movement

MINE newsletter GWIA 2066

Mother Centers as a Business

Political Paradoxes the MC Movement faces ( in Dutch)

Political Paradoxes the MC Movement faces (in English)

Mother Center Start-up Materials 

Mother Center start-up Materials VI

Report on the Mother Center Workshop in Nepal

Significance of Mother Centers for the Balkan Region

Mother Centers in Roma Communities

Mother Centers in the Czech Republic

Empowerment and Impact of Mother Centers

    How Mother Centers contribute to the integration of migrants

    Mothers in the Center – Mothers Centers

    Partnerships for a New Millenium – the Stuttgart Model

    Soziale Innovation durch Forschung

    MZ Befragung

      Why the Mother Centers international – mine?

        MINE Organisational structure

        Why we created an international network?

        All About Us 

        Mother Centers in Germany

          Mütterzentren und soziale Verantwortung

            Mütterzentren und Gesellschaft

            MZ Projektbeschreibung

            MZ auf einen Blick

            Mz Fakten

              Schlüsselelemente beim Aufbau von MZ

                Habitat an die Basis

                MINE best practice proposal

                Im Mütterzentrum fühle ich mich wie in Europa

                Mz Konzept

                  Significance of Mother Centers for the Balkan

                    Introduction for document downloads