
Mothers for Peace and Ecology

The “Mothers for Peace and Ecologie” project, led by Mother Centers’ International Network for Empowerment (MINE), is dedicated to supporting and empowering refugee women, mothers, and their families from Ukraine, as well as their helpers across the Danube region. The project is structured around three main pillars: exchange and networking, capacity building and empowerment, and the promotion and development of mothers’ center initiatives in Ukraine.



MConsolidating Community Building in Public Living Rooms 

Project funded by Erasmus+

The ‘Consolidating Community Building in Public Living Rooms’ project funded by Erasmus+ is an initiative aimed at fostering community spirit and enhancing adult education within self-managed local spaces.

Over the course of 19 months, starting from September 2023, we focus on making knowledge about public living rooms widely available, improving the quality of adult education offered in these spaces, and ensuring the sustainable management of such community hubs.

Support the supporters

Projects run in Slovakia and Hungary, support the refugee women, mothers and families from Ukraine.
Financed by the State Ministry of Baden-Württemberg
Find the Mid-term report and experience exchanges here:
The exchange will address: Best practices to support Ukrainian mothers, families, and minorities from the ongoing projects in Slovakia and Hungary.
Online Public Event 10th of November 2022: Watch it!
Language: German/English with English/German translation (further language support as required).

Resilience through Care

We had an amazing online event, celebrating the International Mother Centers’ Day on through Care on 10. October 2022.
If you could not join it, watch the recordings!
What makes the success and uniqueness of the mother centers: Click HERE to watch!
How can Mother Centers contribute to a more resilient and prosperous development by supporting mothers and families at local, regional, and worldwide levels? Resilience

Let’s build Bridges!

The main objective of this project is to expand the digital and technical capabilities of the organisaton and the network. MINE wants to continue to expand the work in dialogue, in personal encounters and the “4 eyes principle” inherent in mothers’ centers with new forms of participation and make them available to our 1000 centers in 20 countries worldwide by creating digital dialogue and communication spaces. 

Join us and let’s build something great together!