Let’s build bridges
Digital competence expansion for the International Mothers Center Network (MINE)
Resilience through Care
10th of October 2022/ Online Event
We had an amazing online event, celebrating the International Mother Centers’ Day on Resilience through Care on 10. October 2022.
Watch the Recordings!
Morning Session and Afternoon Session
This year’s International Mother Centers’ Day will address:
- What makes the success and uniqueness of the mother centers?
- How can mother centers contribute to a more resilient and prosperous development by supporting mothers and families at local, regional, and worldwide levels?
The registration is now OPEN under REGISTRATION:
Registration is open to any interested participants.
Please feel free to share it with your networks.
We are looking forward to meeting you at the International Mother Centers’ Day!
Project start: December 15. 2020
Project end: December 31. 2022
The main objective of this project is to expand the digital and technical capabilities of the organisaton and the network. MINE wants to continue to expand the work in dialogue, in personal encounters and the “4 eyes principle” inherent in mothers’ centers with new forms of participation and make them available to our 1000 centers in 20 countries worldwide by creating digital dialogue and communication spaces. The formulated goals of the international network of mothers’ centers, to make the realities of life visible and to strengthen caring and lively neighborhoods, should also be digitally conveyed and implemented. In order to be able to stimulate and design new participation and learning experience projects in the future, we need the expansion of digital possibilities to be able to offer training courses and webinars.
The call to participate “Tell your story” will be used as an analogue form of dialogue for stimulating, active participation. Here, the small centers in particular are to be encouraged and supported to participate. After the project, the material will be used with publicity. In this way, the Eastern European centers and the mother and family centers in the newly established international MINE network are sustainably strengthened and actively involved. Making care and care work visible around the world in an ideal and material way is to serve as a central and unifying guiding theme of the network in the two-year period of the project. For this purpose, a joint publication, the storytelling project, is to be prepared digitally with videos in virtual walks and made accessible.
The future-oriented goal of the MINE network is to take up the quality standards of the “Grassroots Women’s International Academy” (GWIA) and the claim to best social practice (MINE was the winner of the UN Dubai Prize 2006 “for the best practices to improve the living Environment ”) to be fair again.
We strive to continue the exchange of knowledge in the form of a “MINE Academy” by expanding digital competence expansion and implementing targeted webinars, which can be implemented both digitally and analogously in the Danube region and internationally accessible.
Funding amount: EURO 60.000,00
Project is funded by the State Ministry of Baden-Württemberg

When do we meet? Meeting in 2022
Dates and Topics
CHANGE! We moved MINE Academy to September!
We meet online on Zoom with participants of Bridges:
17th January, 2022 – Project summary, Find your “Wisdom Keepers” in your organization (Zoom meeting)
22nd February, 2022 – People topic, who is around your organization? target group, participants and volunteers. Challenges and solutions (Zoom meeting)
22nd March – Space topic: Create and hold a space for Mothers. How to set up your space? – Urgent Actual Topic: Ukrainen Emergency – How you can help? (Zoom meeting)
19th Apr – Zoom meeting
17th May – Zoom meeting
21st June – Zoom meeting
23rd Aug – Zoom meeting
13. Sept – Preparation of MINE Academy (Zoom meeting)
21-26th Sept – MINE Academy in Budapest
25th October – Zoom meeting
22nd November – Dissemination, closing, Evaluation
Who we meet?
Participant countries and organizations:
Countries: Slovenia, Slovakia, Netherland, Germany, Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Bulgaria, Serbia.
Association Mother Center Alternative
Association MotherNature-Anyatermeszet, Hungary
Centar za majke Aurora-mine
Familien- und Mütterzentrum Eichenau, Germany
Family Center Mala Ulica, Slovenia, (Javni zavod Mala ulica – center za otroke in družine v Ljubljani in Slovene)
Marcin Tsentır – İsperıh
MC Dupajda
MIZ Miteinander im Zentrum e. V., Aschaffenburg
Mütter-Väter-Zentrum Neuhausen e. V. Landshuter Allee 37, 80637 Munic
Nest! foundation & 3 Generatiecentrum Utrecht Netherlands
Netzwerk der Eltern-Kind-Zentren Südtirols
Organisation: Kormidlo. Place: Slovak republic, town Poltar
Rodinné centrum Malíček
Síť pro rodinu, z.s.
Sociaty of Holdam, Miskolc
The Union of Maternity Center, Slovakia
Únia materských centier/ MC Nezábudka Žilina, Slovakia
Union of Mother centres Slovakia